OPTOJUMP NEXT: Running and jumping performance measuring devices


Optojump application in practice.

• To assess the athlete's ability and physical fitness.
• Can identify the difference in muscle at different levels of activity. Of each athlete
• Development and improvement of training programs based on test results.
• Testing each session of the training program.
• Create a database to compare athlete's fitness level. At each interval or between individual athletes.
• Used to test the athlete's fitness after the injury (Return To play concept) to develop a program to rehabilitate and monitor the progress of athletes properly.
• Motivate the athletes. In terms of capabilities developed. To encourage competition within the group of athletes.
• Reduce the burden of the trainer. To collect information of athletes at different time intervals. And also a tool to judge. Time to select talent athlete (Talented ID)
• It can be connected to other devices in athletes such as Witty SEM, GYKO, Motion Analysis to provide real-time measurement data.

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